Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Be the change you want to see in the world

So I said it before and I'll say it again, I'm not the most energetic person and most of the time I am pretty lazy. Still there are some things that I'm very passionate about and for them I don't care how much work I have to do. One I have already presented you quite some time, its writing. To be published in some way is one of the main goals of my life, but there is also another one and this will be our topic today.

I told you I was making a video and as a matter of fact I managed to do so last weekend. I haven't worked on one in more than half a year, and even though I kind of missed it in general, this video had a purpose and there is a reason why I made it now and not a week later. 

Last year when I was still barely new to the whole YouTube world I read some tweets about a project called P4A, which stands for project for awesome. As a curious person with way too much time on my hand I clicked on one of the links that lead me to a live stream of this project. Basically we are talking of a YouTube based charity were every person that submits a video about their favourite charity has the chance of getting it streamed worldwide to all the people watching and thus promote the organisation they have picked.

I genuinely enjoyed myself last year while watching it and I made the decision then and there that next year I would participate with my favourite charity. So December came and I realized that it I was supposed to be revising and studying then, not making a video. I still secretly played with the idea and when I couldn't sleep last week I decided to just start writing what I wanted to say. After all I take pride in at least doing what I promised myself. I knew that it wasn't going to be hilarious or well scripted or anything, but as much as would've loved to make it brilliant, I couldn't do it in the time given. Also in my opinion it's great if someone has the talent to be witty just like that, but in this situation cause over creativity I'd say.

But what did I talk about? I choose the one charity that every person that knows me a little better has already heard of, because I love talking about it. It's the A21 campaign. Their goal is it to abolish modern day slavery and end human trafficking. Since I was fourteen or fifteen I had this idea in my head that I wanted to help females who became prostitutes if they wanted to get out of the business, no matter why it happened or where they are from. It was something that I carried along with me for some years and when I heard of this campaign my heart started beating very heavy in my chest. That was the summer a year ago. Ever since I've been trying my best to talk about it, and just spread the awareness. One day I will achieve my goal to work either with them or with a similar organisation, I will do my best for it.

If you are interested in the video, it is on the end of the post. I really need a microphone though because filming with my laptop on my legs that records every movement of my feet is not helping the quality at all. 
So now you know what I've been up to. Let me tell you, even though it was stressful once again I just love being active on the internet, writing posts, tweeting, facebook stalking, and making videos. 

Oh and if I'm not able to write again before Christmas: Merry Christmas and thanks a lot for reading my blog, I appreciate it a lot :D


PS: I might just make my P4A video in October next year, just so it doesn't stand in the way of NaNo and my exams...

PPS:  The webside of the P4A for more information: http://www.projectforawesome.com/
The webside of the A21 campaign: http://www.thea21campaign.org/

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Today I'm celebrating

Today is a good day. It is a good day even though I’m busy, I've spent most of my evening studying for my finals next week, even though I'm tired and my head hurts. It is good because even though this won't be a long post and the day is almost over, I still wanted to share some words with you. It has not only been a good day because I spent some time with a friend and I had some very good conversations, but because there are more things for me to celebrate than that. Today is a good day because it marks the anniversary of two very good and pleasant decisions I took.

Last year, on the 12/12/12 I did two things. First of all I created a YouTube account. At some point I got annoyed by checking daily if my favourite YouTubers did upload a new video, so making a subscription seemed the next step. Later I realized on which date I did it, which made me smile. Of course I did not plan on making videos anytime soon, I was way too intimidated by this new world that lied in front of me. No, I just created an account, but in the end it was that that enabled me to upload some videos and I'm genuinely just happy about having YouTube as a part of my life. Btw, if you wonder about new videos, I'll try my best to make one this weekend and I will fill you in very soon about that.

I mean just that would be enough to make me happy (yes, I'm easy to be pleased), but there is something else that happened a year ago on this day. I wrote my first post. Well technically it was not my first, and this blog excists since 2010, but I gave myself a fresh start on the 12th of december. Since then I have not only posted 50 posts, which means I almost made it to a weekly schedule (ok I cheated and left out some weeks and wrote more than one post in one week, but you know, life is busy), I also know that some people read my words on a regular basis and that makes me happy. I get encouraged about my writing, even though I'm aware just how far away my goals still are.

There are also other writing related things to celebrate. On the 15th of November I had two pleasant events in my life as a writer. I did not only win my 3rd NaNo, no, my site here also got its 1000th page view. In case you are wondering, yes I love checking my stats, and I also love dates. It just excites me.

So here we are, me the writer, you the reader. You might not be as excited as I am, or maybe you are. What I know is that you just read my words, which is a very enjoyable present for me. Let us celebrate the little things, the small pieces of happiness whirling around. Everyday there are things to be remembered, anniversaries to be thankful for, and today just happened to be a special happy day for me.

Basically here is to that, to more writing, more reading, more videos and more creating and creativity. I hope there are even bigger things to come for all of us


Saturday, December 7, 2013

How to solve a conflict

Hey there, I'm terribly sorry I haven't posted in a while. I'm in this massive stressing situations and I try everything I can to juggle all those things and I'm a massive fail. I'm sincerely sorry about not been having time to write.

I mean every word of what I wrote above, but it's also a good introduction to what I want to write about today. I bet every single one of us has been in the situation yet where things happened that weren't good. No matter if it was your fault, or the other person, arguments happen, people get disappointed and there is for sure a lot of frustration going on. I thought I could share with you the pieces of advice I gathered considering that topic.

First of all if someone does something that gets to you in a negative way, just tell them. There is no use in being angry with someone and not telling them, they might not even have realized that they did wrong. Having an open conversation never did no harm, and if it leads to a proper argument then there is a reason for it. There are people who get anger issues just because they are unable to talk about their feelings. Trust me; you prefer having a fight over being angry for the next twenty years.

First leads to second, before you actually go and announce a problem you should calm down first. I remember about three month ago a friend of mine did something that seriously pissed me off. It kind of included some other people who I knew wouldn't be around for very long, so I decided to wait till they had left. When I finally got to talk to that person I wasn’t madly angry anymore, but I still knew that she had to apologize or at least admit that she kind of did the wrong thing. We actually solved the whole thing like the true adults we (sometimes) are, but when I imagine what could've gone wrong and how we could've be mad at each other for a long time I'm happy how it ended up.

As a third point I have the whole thing about apologies. I remember as a kid when I acted up my Mum would accept my apology instantly, but she wouldn't make me feel like she forgave me before I actually said the words. Of course she was not angry for long, but I had to apologize first. Sometimes it felt, and it still does, like losing, as if saying I'm sorry is the equivalent of saying I'm weak. It is not. Admitting your own flaws shows that you are strong, but also that you are humble. It is strength and a virtue.

Now there is an important thing about apologies to be added. If you do it, then mean it. It shouldn't be a psychological trick or something. Also absolutely distance your words from what the other person might respond. Maybe he or she doesn't accept because you screwed up big time, maybe they need time as forgiveness is a process that can take a while. If that happens, deal with it, after all you just admitted having been an idiot, no need to commit idiocy once more right now. On the other hand we can assume that most of the time not only you did something wrong, but also the other person. Just because you seem to be reasonable and you show sense, doesn't determine that the other person does too. It would be great, yes, but your apology is a one man show. 

Oh and while we are at it, after admitting that you are a douchbag you could actually try to be less of a douchbag in the future, that would be very lovely and appreciated!

Let’s just say I got the utmost surprising apology of my entire life today and it kind of got overshadowed just hours after it. Still, if it was sincere then I appreciate it big time and I’m glad it took place anyway. It shows at least certain things. Sorry, not much of a specification here but some things are supposed to stay off the internet.

Anyway, I can’t promise to become a better blogger the next few weeks, but I’ll keep on trying my best.
