Saturday, April 27, 2013

Love is in the air...

Before you even start thinking about it: no, I'm not going to confess my undying love towards someone in this post. If you expected that, then you are more than welcome in the queue of people around me who think I need a boyfriend. It's more of a fact, as spring is now finally happening here, some people get all twitterpated.

"It is a truth universally acknowledged that single women of a certain age must be in want of a guy in her life". Ok, I'm sorry to edit Jane Austen a bit here, but honestly? What she said back then and what I'm experiencing right now is a bit similar. Of course I'm not an old maid or anything, but there are already people out there commenting on me being single, why ever. Since about the age of thirteen, when every girl I knew started to "like" boys, I had my crushes too. Not because I was forced, my feelings were sincere, but even back then, I made some decisions others didn't make. When my female friends started to actually get to know those guys better, when they started dating, the gap between them and me started growing. I completely missed the point of dating someone that young, as I wanted to have a serious relationship. I was taught not to date a guy that I couldn't at least imagine me marring later. I knew that I was too sensitive as to just try something out; I just didn't want to be hurt. So whenever we talked about guys I just told them who I fancied that time, but always told them that there wouldn't be more between us. At some point they then tried to convince me different, or the tried to pair me up with someone, which I absolutely disliked.

At first this was just a school thing, as my friends there didn't understand what I meant with a stable relationship and the whole marriage-is-important-thing. At church they understood what I meant, they even approved of it. But you know what, just because you are attending a church the rumours won't stop. It's not about being over curious or even mean, it's just a natural thing that people care about such stuff. So let's get to the reason why I'm writing this today, about both, church and non-church friends that mean too well for you.

I've seen some of my friends starting relationship over the past year and that makes me really happy for them. There is just one thing which is sometimes very annoying. As soon as they are happy, they want you to be as happy as they are. Of course this is lovely and nice, but what they don't consider is the possibility that you might be alright in the situation you are right now. I'd like to be in a relationship at some point, but right now I see no need for that, I am happy exactly where I am, and how I am.

So a couple of weeks ago I was at a friend's birthday party. I got there by bus and in the bus there was a male friend of mine. Of course we started chatting and eventually we arrived there together, what a surprise. I didn't know my friend's parents, so when I and that guy got there together, the mother instantly thought of us as a couple. I managed to figure that out and to clear up any misunderstandings. That wasn't the end of course. I then started talking with another male friend, who is happily in a relationship, and we talked about that topic again. He then told me that he suspected something between me and someone else. I then thought about the shared friends we had and was eventually able to figure out myself who he meant. Yes, you definitely fancy every guy you talk to on some kind of regular basis, because that's how it just is. My evening was completed when a third guy, also in a relationship started to randomly drop names and check my reaction for any interests. Yes, thank you, I can't decide myself who I fancy, I definitly need your help man.

All of this might come across a bit sarcastic, but to be clear, I'm honestly entertained by this. I just recently had an hour long conversation with a female friend about a guy, because she really wants to see us together and there is no way that will ever happen. Of course I played along, because sometimes people won't be stopped until they had what they wanted, or they said it. Yes it was very funny and all, but none of it could be taken seriously. If it's just between me and friends, and the guy we are talking about isn't involved somehow, then it's all fun and games, but don't you dare bring up this topic when they are around. Don't make my friendships awkward in any kind of way, or I'll get angry. We can joke around forever, but when it comes to real relationship, then I can handle it myself. Of course there is one exception, meaning that whatever guy has actually caught my interest, has a role too. Everybody else is politely asked not to put one's nose in other people's business. Thank you sincerely.


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