Some examples of inner voices are languages. I once had a discussion with a friend of mine who is Finnish. We are communicating in English and given the fact that it's not our mother tongue I asked her how she thinks she is able to talk and write English, especially since grammar can be a bit tricky. We both agreed that we just know it's correct, without having to think about it. Actually right now as I'm writing that, I hear a "voice". I'm not thinking what I'll be writing in German first and then translate it, I form a sentence in English straight away.
I'm not sure if you were able to actually follow that my thoughts where here, so I try another example. When you read something then your brain translates the letters into a sound in your head. You are able to understand what those signs mean because you learned to decipher them and because you know how they sound like you understand the meaning. At least that’s how I understand it, except if you are deaf, in which case I have no idea.
Of course that wasn't all. I also hear other voices, like my sarcastic voice. Basically that's the part of me that is responsible for me not taking things too seriously. Sometimes I just need to laugh at the comedy that is my life, or I need to tell myself that what is bugging me is just a so called "first world problem" in order to maintain a good mood, and it really helps.
Oh and are you a person that has fake conversation in their head all the time too? Whenever I have a spare moment my mind just comes up with things I should tell a person when I see him/her next. Even worse is it when I remember a conversation I already had and suddenly there is this perfect answer that I didn't have when I needed it.
Now those examples were all about useful things, but there is also my inner pessimist. That is the reason for me having nights where I can't sleep because I'm worried, it brings me down and makes me believe that I'll never achieve anything. Hearing this voice is not very funny, and the worst is that it's the sneakiest of them all. Before I realize what's going on I'm already very close to panicking, just because of my own thoughts.
I suppose those were the most important voices I know. I also made a video that is a bit related to that topic a few weeks ago, I'll post it further down. If you think that I'm crazy now then you missed the point (but you are still completely correct xD). That was it for this week.
optimizing update (Yes I'm making these a thing): I went jogging four times so far, it still kills me but you gotta do what you gotta do. Also I think I discovered my inner bootcamp voice, and she is a freaking kick ass.
I bought myself a nice skirt which I'll hopefully be wearing at some point and I found a flat, (that I might be sharing with three guys if I'm not lucky enough that a girl gets the last free room). So everything is going well and I'm still working on my self a lot.
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