The topic of believes always is a critical one. There are a lot of labels attached to it and to be honest, the easiest way about it is to remain silent, not to display this part of your life. This is my blog that nobody reads, so I might aswell just speak it out.
I was raised in a more or less christian household, in switzerland where something like that isn't usual anymore. Every now and then I can see how fortunate I was. My parents managed to teach me a way, that made life a lot easier for me. I've been to a point somewhere last year, when all I could do was holding on to one verse: And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God (Romans 8:28)
I came to the conclusion that if you told me today that there is no god, I didn't want to see no tomorrow.
Of course believing isnt' all good, no, it had some bad moments too. At a certain point you get questions all the time. Why? What do you believe excactly? Why do you go to church, that's for old people. In what kind of cult are you? How can you belive in god when there are people dying?
Those questions can get anoying, and even worse, they can make you insecure. Why does god allow bad things to happen? That was question that shoke on the stone called faith for me. Of course there was an answer that was easy understandable, as a christian who admits it, you get those regulary. Sometimes I even get close to understanding what gay people go through. Some people get strange look for loving people of the same gender, I get strange looks for loving god, really, it's just about people not accepting whom you love.
There are constantly those human beings, the ones that say religious people hide behind their believes. They say we use the fact that there is an after life not to live our lifes to the fullest now. It's the opposite, or at least it should be. Even though you go to heaven after your existence as a human being, you still only have one life to make it. You've been given on opportunity to be someone on this earth.
I won't argue about the existence of something higher than us, for me it's obvious. But more important, I don't want to force you to share my faith, unless you really do. I've never been a fan of those preaching down to everyone about what they should believe. Everybody is allowed to make their own decision, as I did.
What I want to state in this post is simple. Don't be narrow minded.
Faith is important to some people, others couldn't care less, you might think that there is a higher being, or you are atheist. There is a huge variety and I have struggeled with explaining my believes for so long. On sundays I don't have time because I choose to go to church. I'm not in a sect, I'm not brainwashed nor stupid. The decision for god wasn't made out of a spontanious thought, but out of a lot of thinking. Accept me, wholeheartly and I promis to accept you, with or without believes, if your christian, muslim, atheist or whatever.
Bring it on, just don't be a narrowminded arrogant who thinks he/she has seen it all and we can be best friends.
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