Saturday, February 9, 2013

There is only one

The first of the Ten Commandments is quite an easy one, at least that's what I thought. The bible says: "You shall have no other gods before me" (Ex. 20.3). An annotation adds that we shall not have any gods beside him either.

It sounds so simple, but then I think of all the stuff that is important to me. I spent quite a time on my computer for example. To be honest, I guess I spend more time on the internet than I do anything else, meaning I have less time with God than I do with a machine. Isn't it the way that we always have something more important to do than sit down and read the bible? Sometimes it might happen then that we put it very high in our list of priorities, like a goddess. I can't be the only one, right?

Another thing is that I believe in one God, but then I'm a curious soul. For example the way Hinduism works is really interesting. You have thousands and thousands of goddesses, but in the end it's just one God in different bodies. That's genius. And you can pray to the one that fits your situation the most. It's really fascinating. 

And let's talk about horoscopes and superstitions. First, I do not believe in astrology, but whenever I get to that part in a newspaper, my curious side wants me to read what it says about Pisces and I still wonder if it's true. Sadly I have to admit that I can relate to the stereotypes that are given for my zodiac. To this day, this has given me loads of questions, it's really stupid. The thing is, the first Commandment orders me not to read them, but I'm just not strong enough not to. Another thing is the whole 11:11 thing. There is a saying that when you check your watch on a number like 14:14 then somebody is thinking of you. I'm positive that this is complete rubbish, but whenever it happens I am like "it would be so cute and what if and bla". My mind knows about the superstition and tells me that there is a chance, even though it's pretty childish. Oh and please don't let me get started on the whole karma/destiny stuff, which makes me confused and insecure since forever. I know so many people who do not believe in a God, but believe in destiny, which makes me wonder who writes your destiny then?

A different side of things opens when you think of the three monotheistic religions that we have. As the name says all three, namely Judaism, Islam and Christianity, believe in one God. I've had the discussion before, and this question comes up regularly, do those religions believe in the very same God? Some people say that only Judaism and Christianity 'share' him, while others are positive that we talk about three different ones. The rest shares my opinion and says, they are the same, but God is shown from a different perspective. The old testament of the bible is as well part of the Jewish Holy Scripture, and the Quran confirms the existence of most of the bibles prophets and their stories. For me it's obvious that at least when it comes to the one and only God, the three of us do agree.

As you can see, it's just one sentence and it has to do with a lot of different topics. I feel like I missed out half of the points I wanted to add, and still I wrote down those that were most important to me. I would've never imagined that there is so much to it, but obviously there is. In the end we can say that whether there is/are a/some/no god(s), in the end we are free to choose whatever we believe in.


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